PR2TA Facts​
Welcome to Payette River,
The traditional classroom experience is not for every student. Where some thrive, others never engage. They grow impatient because the pace is too slow for them — or they need more time and fall behind. Diverse student needs — varied levels of proficiency or different learning styles — may not be adequately addressed. Many students simply tune out because what goes on in the classroom doesn’t seem to be relevant to their lives. We understand that some parents are simply uncomfortable with the traditional academic environment. Payette River Technical Academy is designed to address these issues.

We offer “Expedited Learning”.
Students can complete their high school curriculum and begin their post secondary training in less than four years.
We offer “Differentiated Learning“
Digital curriculum from Payette River Technical Academy makes it possible to individualize instruction to address diverse student needs. Students can progress at their own pace, taking as much — or as little — time as necessary to master the material. Direct instruction incorporates multimedia — in the form of images, audio, video, animations, and interactive elements — along with instructional text to provide students with multiple representations of concepts as well as address their different learning styles. Formative assessments help students to gauge their understanding and improve performance, while summative assessments chart progress and skill development. Unit-level diagnostics allow students to move quickly over material they have previously mastered.
We Offer “Multiple Course Pathways”
Payette River Technical Academy’s digital curriculum is designed to support academic success for all students, including those who have not been successful in traditional programs. Foundations courses meet the needs of students who are not prepared for grade-level academic challenges and need to develop basic skills in math, reading, and writing before tackling high school academic courses. Literacy Advantage courses integrate literacy scaffolding to support below-proficient readers in mastering required content in high school math, science, English, and social studies courses. Apex Learning Core courses meet the needs of a range of students as they endeavor to master rigorous content and earn credits toward graduation.
We offer “Blended Classrooms”
In the study entitled “Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning” by U.S. Department of Education, completed in September 2010, it was found that students involved in blended learning programs generally performed better than students who participated in face-to-face instruction. The study, entitled involved a rigorous evaluation of more than a thousand recent studies of online learning. The study also found that blended learning measurably enhanced student learning as compared with instruction solely based on face-to-face interaction. Moreover, it found that the effectiveness of online learning programs seems “quite broad across different content and learning types.”
PRTA utilizes the three “best practices related” identified with Blended Learning in the study:
Online learning must allow learners to control their interactions with media.
Online learning is more effective when the curriculum includes face-to-face interaction, online collaboration, and independent practice.
Effective online learning environments must include a variety of learning activities.