Graphic Communication Program
The visual arts are continually growing in terms of accomplishment and expansion to digital media. Our illustration and design work is among the best in the valley as shown in honors bestowed at the Steven Henigar art show on an annual basis. Within the PRTA Graphics Communication Program students can choose between the academic or career development track. Our traditional academic offerings for art include drawing, painting and sculpture. The PTE offerings at PRTA include Intro to Digital Media, Photography and our capstone yearbook offering.
Arts and Communications Career Pathways
Do you enjoy working with people? Do you like to share ideas and information? Are you a
creative thinker? Are you imaginative, innovative, and original?
This may be the career pathway for you!
Floral Designer Technical Writer Radio Broadcaster
Free‐lance Writer Photographer Film & Video Maker
Graphic Artist Artist Clothing Designer
Interior Designer Architect Actor
Interpreter Dancer Writer
Public Relations Editor Musician
Conductor Singer Potter
Artist Broadcast Tech Critic
Musician Translator Announcer
Illustrator Public Relations Editor
Film Director Videographer Jewelry Designer
Set Designer News Reporter Graphic Media