Tech Prep
Tech Prep is an accelerated learning program that links approved technical and academic high school courses to certificate and degree programs at the postsecondary level. All high school Tech Prep courses are articulated courses, high school courses that contain the same content as an equivalent college course, for which a postsecondary institution has agreed to award college credit provided the high school student meets the course requirements.
Idaho has six regional Advanced Learning Partnerships (ALP) that coordinate Tech Prep articulation agreements and related services between the technical college and the school districts.
Tech Prep is a federal education initiative that was first implemented in 1990 as part of the Carl Perkins Act and renewed in 2006.

Why Tech Prep?
Tech Prep provides students with the technical skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to prepare for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations in current or emerging professions.
Elements of Tech Prep:
Has an approved articulation agreement between high schools and postsecondary institutions
Integrates academic and technical education and, if appropriate and available, work-based learning
Provides technical preparation for careers
Builds student competence in core academic and technical areas

Elements of Tech Prep

Students benefit by:
Students benefit by:
Improving the transition from high school to college
Not repeating course competencies already mastered
Earning advanced credits while in high school and needing fewer college courses to graduate
Reducing tuition costs
Connecting learning to career pathways