Agriculture Science and Technology Program
The Agriculture Science and Technology Program at Payette River Technical Academy prepares individuals for careers as they build awareness and develop leadership for the food, fiber and natural resource systems. The half million-member FFA student organization has long been recognized as an integral part of public instruction in agriculture. As such, it is intracurricular to the program, working hand-in-glove with contextual classroom/laboratory instruction and experiential learning as part of a complete agriculture education program. Students learn about how food and fiber are produced and put to use by the population. Classroom instruction is enhanced with FFA involvement for competitions and having an (SAE) project outside of class time. Students can complete the Plant Systems Pathway at Payette River Technical Academy, or be a concentrator in agricultural mechanics or livestock systems. FFA members in Emmett typically compete in: Soils & Land judging (1st), Agronomy (2nd), Public Speaking (1st), Meats (4th), and Ag Mech (5th), Dairy Cattle (3rd), and Livestock (4th) at the district level. At the State level FFA has a Leadership Convention @ CSI and State Judging Contests @ University of Idaho.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Pathway
Are you curious about plants and animals?
Do you like to be physically active?
Do you like to observe, learn, investigate, or solve problems?
This may be the career pathway for you!
Park Ranger Fish & Wildlife Technician
Animal Caretaker Meteorologist Earth Scientist
Horse Trainer Nursery Worker Marine Biologist
Biologist Forestry Technician Forester
Astronomer Water Technician Agricultural Welder
Chemist Oceanographer Environmental Tech
Wildlife Biologist Fisheries Biologist Zoologist
Environmental Scientist Horticulturalist Physical Scientist
Landscape Architect Pest Control Worker Agricultural Scientist
Rancher Conservation Officer Food Technologist
Botanist Farmer Chemical Applicator
Hazardous Waste Technician