Business Management Program
Programs in business prepare our students for entry into business management, and administrative support careers. Classroom instruction is combined with work place experiences to support and enhance the areas of study as they relate to personal and business decision making. They use accounting and personal finance techniques to make decisions about planning, organizing, and allocating resources. Finally they learn about career opportunities and the job application process. Students develop interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership skills necessary to be successful in diverse business settings.
Payette River Technical Academy students have the opportunity to complete either the High School of Business Pathway or Administrative Support Pathway as their program of study. The student organizations affiliated with High School of Business and Administrative Support Programs of Study is Business Professionals of America. Students interested in joining the Business Professionals of America Organization are encouraged to contact the business department. Business Professionals of America students will be competing at Regional, State & National Competitions.
Do you enjoy being a leader, organizing people, planning activities and talking to people?
Do you like to work with numbers and ideas? Do you enjoy carrying
through with an idea and seeing the end product? Do you like to know what is expected of you
and like things around you to be neat and orderly?
This may be the career pathway for you!
Banker Retail Salesperson Computer Programmer
Small Business Owner Business Executive Court Clerk
Medical Records Technician Hotel/Motel Manager Real Estate Agent
Recreation Director Sales Representative Business Executive
Credit Officer Office Manager Loan Officer
Accountant & Auditors Business Teacher Military Officer
Systems Analyst Court Reporter Web Designer
Bookkeepers Credit Union worker Management Analysts
Meeting & Convention Planners Secretaries Statisticians
Employment Recruiters Buyers & Purchasing Agents Floral Designers
Public Relations Managers Merchandise Displayers Advertising Executives