Business Professionals of America Students Attend Nationals!
Congratulations Katie Hall – National Runner-Up in Advanced Interview Skills!
Katie Hall and Andy Lee, along with their BPA Advisor Ms. O’Maley traveled to the Business
Professionals of America National Leadership Conference in Boston, MA the week of May 5th –
May 9th! Over 5,000 students from across the United States attended and competed in this event.
After two days of competition in Advanced Interview Skills, Katie was awarded both a top 10
finalist medal and 2nd place plaque in the Advanced Interview Skills competition beating out a
very competitive field of participants, congratulations!
Ms. O’Maley, BPA Advisor was also recognized as an Honor Advisor with a Ten Year
Certificate. Of course all of this would not be possible without the continued support of our
schools, community, parents and students.
A special thank you to the Triple AAA Boosters, Bayer Vegetable Seeds (Parma) and PR2TA for
their generous financial support of our programs and students! Investing in today’s students truly
makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!