PRTA operates a variety of optional alternative instructional strategies by which students in grades 9-12 may reach graduation requirements. Requests for alternative instructional delivery must have the prior approval of the principal and supervising teacher who shall be responsible for grading and accepting the final project as completed.

Independent Study:
This option will offer personalized educational plans for those students whose needs may be best met through study outside of the primary instructional setting.

Directed Study:
Directed study is designed for students who have demonstrated special interest in a curricular area and who have shown the initiative and self-motivation to pursue a particular project or area of research. The purpose is to allow a student to pursue in depth or breadth a special area of interest. Variable credit is assigned based on the proposal.

Work Study Proposal for Course/Credit Completion:
Students may design a work-study experience integrated with a required graduation requirement or an elective. Credit may vary for each project based on the design, implementation plan, and hours involved. While the work-study will be different from the regular school experience, it must be definitive and based on the outcomes of a course. (See “Work Experience” in the PRTA Student Handbook)

Students enrolled in other schools other than Payette River Technical Academy or the Emmett School District may co-enroll in courses offered by the charter school on an individual basis as mutually agreed upon between the charter school and the student’s district of enrollment.